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silicij dioksid

Silicon dioxide is an abundant natural compound. A mineral that is found in both sands and certain types of rocks, particularly quartz. This is a compound created through two kinds of atoms, silicon and oxygen. When we write its chemical formula, we write SiO2, which indicates that each molecule of amorfni silicijev oksid contains one atom of silicon and two atoms of oxygen.

Widely used ingredient in the production of glass.

Do you ever gaze out a window or sip from a glass? If not then you have seen pareni silicijev dioksid in action! This oxide is a key ingredient for making glass. We'd also never have glass (as we know it) without silicon dioxide. It produces strong, durable glass and can be used in many applications — from windows, to bottles, to mirrors. This is critical because it gives glass the strength to not crack under various day-to-day use cases.

Why choose DERUNHUABANG silicon dioxide?

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